Pamshops4you is a Washington, DC based area company. You can reach us by,
Calling 202-262-8976 or Emailing: &

Pamela Burns has a B.S. in fashion merchandising from the University of Maryland as well as minors in textiles and business marketing. She has worked for major apparel companies, such as Anne Klein, Made in America, Baby Guess and Guess Kids. For the past 10 years, Pamshops4you has been an extremely successful personal shopping and wardrobe consultation business with a reputable network of clients. Pamela Burns has done fashion segments for NBC television and has been interviewed by Fox 5, News Channel 8, the BBC and Voice of America. She has been featured in the following newspapers, The Washington Times, The Washington Post, The Seattle Times, The Paris newspaper Liberation, The Examiner Washington, The Hill as well as Vitals Magazine, and Money Magazine. Pamela has also been a guest on “The Daily Café” and Z104.1 FM and 105.7 FM radio stations. As well as a styling for magazines and national makeover events.

Alexis Miller will be partnering with Pamela Burns. She has a B.A. from Colgate University, as well as an Event Management Degree from George Washington University. Her experience ranges from marketing to event planning. Alexis has also worked as a Sales Consultant for Bill Blass New York hosting Trunk Shows. She has also hosted Trunk Shows for other designers, such as the S. King Collection, a collection of exclusive designer women’s jewelry. Currently, Alexis and Pam are co-writing a monthly fashion colunm for The Georgetowner & The Downtowner.